
March 01, 2023

Horse Tail (Mu Zei - Herba Equiseti Hiemalis)

Based on TCM, Horse Tail can be used to:

  1. clears heat
  2. stops bleeding
  3. disperses wind-heat
  4. clears the eyes
  5. eliminates superficial visual obstruction.

Some indications that can be treated by this herb with specific dosage and formulation are wind-heat affecting the eyes with redness, pain, swelling, cloudiness, blurred vision, the pterygium or excessive tearing, and headaches. Also, heat in the blood causes hemafecia or hemorrhoids.

The pharmacological effect of this herb is anti-hypertensive, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, sedative, and antiplatelet actions.


February 01, 2023

Cape Jasmine Fruit (Zhi Zi - Fructus Gardeniae)

Based on Traditional Herbal Medicine, cape jasmine fruit can be used to:

  1. clears heat and resolves dampness.
  2. cools the blood.
  3. relieves toxicity (stops bleeding by astringing).
  4. reduces swelling.
  5. stops the pain
  6. invigorates the blood.


Some indications that can be treated by this herb with specific dosage and formulation are insomnia, eye problems, jaundice, painful urinary dysfunction, sores in the mouth or facial region, and blood stagnation due to trauma (topical).

The pharmacological effect of Cape Jasmine Fruit is analgesic and sedative, antihypertensive, hepatoprotective, CNS suppressant, antibiotic, and cholagogic.


January 18, 2023

Longan (Long Yan Rou - Arillus Longan)

Based on Traditional Herbal Medicine, longan can be used to:

  1. tonifies and augments the heart and spleen
  2. nourishes the blood
  3. calms the spirit.


Some indications that can be treated by this herb with specific dosage and formulation are Insomnia, palpitations, forgetfulness, and dizziness due to heart and spleen deficiency. It is commonly used for problems associated with overthinking or overwork (can be taken alone as a tea).


The pharmacological effect of longan is antibiotic.



November 02, 2022

Tree Peony Root Bark (Mu Dan Pi - Cortex Moutan)

Based on Traditional Herbal Medicine, Tree Peony Root Bark can be used to:

  1. Clears heat and cools the blood with symptoms such as epistaxis, hemoptysis, hematemesis, subcutaneous bleeding, and menorrhagia.
  2. Treats aftermath of Warm Febrile Disease with fever at night and coolness in the morning (most appropriate when the is no sweating), steaming bones.
  3. Invigorates the blood and dispels blood stasis with amenorrhea, abdominal masses, lumps or bruises due to trauma, and menstrual cramping.
  4. Treats headache, eye pain, flank pain, flushing, and dysmenorrhea.
  5. Drains pus and reduces swelling


The pharmacological effect of Tree Peony Root Bark is anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular, antihypertensive, antibiotic, analgesic, sedative, antiseizure, antipyretic, and immune-enhancing effect.


October 12, 2022

Prunella (Xia Ku Cao - Spica Prunellae)

Based on Traditional Herbal Medicine, Prunella can be used to:

  1. Reduces painful or swollen eyes, headache and dizziness, double vision, and watery eyes.
  2. Reduces any neck lumps or nodules, lipoma, carbuncle, swollen glands, or goiter thyroid or enlarged lymph glands.
  3. Treats hypertension.
