Lettuce is an annual plant of the daisy family, Asteraceae.

Lettuce was originally farmed by the ancient Egyptians, who transformed it from a plant whose seeds were used to obtain oil into an important food crop raised for its succulent leaves and oil-rich seeds.

Based on TCM, lettuce can be used to:

  1. clears heat
  2. diuretic
  3. stimulates milk flow.

The preparation methods are raw, boiled, or decoction.

Lettuce contains calcium, vitamins A and C, and chlorophyll (stored primarily in outer leaves).

Some indications that this vegetable can reduce are:

 * General heat symptoms and heat in the bladder: restlessness, thirst, nervousness, micturition (urination) problems, burning sensation when urinating; sparse, and dark urine.

 * Disturbance of milk flow after birth.